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SL 34 Carbonic Maceration

SL 34 Carbonic Maceration

Regular price Rs. 700.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 700.00
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5% GST included

Tastes like : Prunes, Dark Plum, Black Honey, Dark chocolate, Dates Syrup 
Varietal:  Selection 34
Roast:  Medium-light
SCA Cup Score:  87

 24+48 Hours Carbonic Maceration

Origin: Ratnagiri Estate, KA
Altitude:  1300-1400M


Packaging Weight
Grind Type
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

This coffee made me fall in love with Genetics Coffee, and since then I've not looked anywhere else, for specialty coffee. This coffee is all the good good you need in a cup, it's nutty, it's syrupy, and the correct amount of bitterness in a cup. If you are looking to get a good cup of joe everytime, this is the one. Go for it and trust me you won't regret it a bit.

SL 34 Carbonic Maceration

Introducing Selection 34 Coffee from Ratnagiri Estate, Chikmagalur, India!

We are thrilled to present to you our latest specialty coffee, Selection 34, which has been grown for the very first time in India at the Ratnagiri Estate in Chikmagalur. This particular lot of coffee beans has undergone a meticulous process to bring out its unique flavors and characteristics, resulting in an extraordinary cup of coffee.

The journey of Selection 34 begins with the careful selective picking, ensuring only the highest quality coffee cherries are used. These coffee cherries were picked when the brix level reached an impressive 25.4, indicating optimal ripeness and sweetness.

To further enhance the flavor profile, the beans have undergone a two-step fermentation process. First, they were subjected to anaerobic fermentation for 24 hours, which creates a controlled environment for the beans to develop complex flavors. This process allows for the sugars in the cherry to ferment and impart unique fruity notes to the coffee.

Following anaerobic fermentation, the beans went through carbonic maceration for 48 hours. This technique involves sealing the beans in airtight containers with a controlled carbon dioxide environment. The combination of low oxygen and increased carbon dioxide levels intensifies the fermentation process, resulting in a remarkable flavor profile.

After the fermentation process, we carefully roasted the Selection 34 beans to a light to medium profile. This roast level allows the delicate flavors to shine while still retaining a pleasant balance of sweetness and acidity.

In the cup, Selection 34 boasts an impressive cup score of 87. You can expect to experience a delightful array of flavors, including notes of prunes, dark plum, black honey, dark chocolate, and date syrup. The combination of these flavors creates a harmonious and indulgent coffee experience.

We take great pride in introducing Selection 34 Coffee, a truly unique and exceptional offering from Ratnagiri Estate. We invite you to savor the flavors and complexity that this coffee has to offer, and we hope it brings you pure enjoyment with each sip.